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New Treasurer - Elder Tay Tiong Choon (Glory Presbyterian Church)

Pr George Ang

Eld Tay is serving in the new EP ExCo as a Treasurer. In his new role as Treasurer, he asks God for wisdom on all matters concerning His providence in financial resources, to ensure accountability for all transactions and provide accurate and clear financial reports. His prayer is that God may help them as an ExCo team to build genuine love and care as one body in Christ for all the EP churches.

At his home church, Glory Presbyterian Church, he serves in the finance committee and is a member of the Pei Hwa School management board. He helps with membership classes, pulpit ministry and worship leading. In his professional capacity, he serves as a managing director in the engineering field.

Eld Tay is married to his wife Sabrina and they have four sons. For leisure, he enjoys the 3 M’s: movies, music and makan.

God called Eld Tay when he was in secondary three, when he was at a house church within walking distance from his school. He could remember the Caucasian pastor praying with him sitting on the huge sofa, that Jesus would be his Saviour. He did not rebel, but instead felt joy in his heart. He was certain and knew then that He has become a child of God. In the following years, he was always reminded of the things of Christ and that God in His plan has always sustained him - putting the right people, allowing circumstances and even near-death situations to warn him. In some ways that is a gracious act of God to draw him back to Him each time he strayed. God knew exactly what he needed and what the plan was. All these are the works of the Holy Spirit.

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