On 7 January 2025, the EP Co-workers met for the 1st EP Co-workers’ Fellowship at One Holland Village.
The Fellowship started with the EP moderator, Rev Lam Kuo Yong, welcoming the new probationary preachers, with a gift. They are:
1) Elena Yeo (Amazing Grace PC)
2) Ho Qi Heng (Glory PC)
3) Dorothy Koh (Prinsep PC)
4) Charles Yeo (True Way PC – English Congregation)

Following that, the EP equipping committee also passed out the book “Essential Christianity
The Heart of the Gospel in Ten Words” by J.D. Greear to the Co-workers. Co-workers were encouraged to draw from the book, which will compliment the 4 talks this year during the Co-workers Fellowship.
The speaker was Rev Dr Edward Goh from Orchard Road Presbyterian Church, who shared on “Shepherding with the Gospel Wisdom of Romans” based on Romans 1:1-5, 15-20.
After the talks, EP co-workers had a blessed time sharing in discussion groups, as well as praying for one another.

Summary of the talk
Rev Edward began by noting the following challenges & questions posed to EP churches today:
Is there a growing feeling of unease that our denominational churches are becoming irrelevant? Why do the millennials and Gen Z leave the institutional church in droves for authentic connections elsewhere? How can we shepherd and lead our people to a real experience of God? How do we as Gospel servants speak into the deep yearnings of the human heart and equip others to do the same?
Yet, we should not forget that the Gospel is still the saving power of God for ministering to this generation.
Paul proclaims the Gospel to create Gospel communities for Gospel mission. In this sense, Gospel message together with Gospel living radiates Gospel power. Moreover, Gospel Content together with Gospel Culture produces Gospel Community, which results in a Missional Church.
To shepherd with Gospel wisdom, these three aspects are crucial:
1. Know the Gospel
What is the Gospel? The Gospel is God’s reign through His Son, Jesus, who loves us and freed us from sin through His blood, and who will save us completely at His final return.
The wonderful truth is Jesus being declared the Son of God (v 4). The crucial truth is that we need to be born again. Through these precious truths, we can know and experience the power in the gospel.
2. Internalise Gospel Identity
In 2 Corinthians 5:14, Paul writes: “For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.” The Gospel reveals the love of Christ to and for us - compelling us to live out the Gospel in our lives. In fact, we should preach the Gospel often to ourselves.
In Psalm 139:1-6, the Psalmist marvels at how God our Creator searches us and knows us. In his words: “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it.” (verse 6). Knowing our identity in Christ compels us to serve God, with the realization that we are both loved and called by God.
3. Exemplify Gospel Truths
Rev Edward touched on how Gospel truths can exemplified in our lives.
We should serve God with the long term in mind. Furthermore, our service to God should be joyful rather than burdensome; with a kingdom mindset, rather than church mindset or individualistic mindset.
We are not in control, but God is – therefore we should let God be God and we be His faithful servants. We do not seek our own interest or agenda but His interest and agenda. Echoing the words of John the Baptist in John 3:30, “He must increase, but I must decrease.”
As we are justified by faith alone, we don't have to go around pleasing people because we have already pleased God. Furthermore, we rely not on ourselves or on others but on the Holy Spirit.
As we allow the Gospel to take its root in our lives, it reveals the goodness and the greatness of God. Furthermore, the love of Christ controls (or compels) us to live out our Gospel identity to those around.
When we as servants of the Lord know the Gospel and minister out of Gospel identity and Gospel truth, 1) We model the Gospel and reveal God’s goodness and greatness 2) We show how the Gospel answers the deepest needs of our generation 3) We are equiped to build and multiply Gospel communities, which draws others to God by reflecting His grace and truth