As we reflect on the birth narratives of Jesus, Joseph is sometimes forgotten because the spotlight falls on baby Jesus and his mother Mary. But there is much in Joseph to appreciate, both as a believer and a human father.
He is described as a righteous man (Mt 1:19) who did not want to embarrass Mary who was pregnant. He was responsive to divine instructions given through a dream, and carefully obeyed them (even though they ran counter to his personal inclinations Mt 1:20), taking Mary home to be his wife (Mt 1:24),and naming the baby accordingly (Mt 1:21). Not only did he bring Mary to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus (Lk 2:4-6), he found a safe though unusual place for her to give birth (Lk 2:7).
During this critical period, it seems that dreams were an immediate means of receiving urgent orders from God; therefore Joseph had to be alert, discerning and prompt in obeying. After Mt 1:20, dreams were mentioned three more times in the first two chapters of Matthew’s Gospel, at 2:13-14; 2:19-20 and 2:22-23.
Lk 2:22 also tells us that “when the time came for the purification rites required by the Law of Moses, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord.” They took their spiritual responsibilities as parents seriously.
Lk 2:40 “And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon him.” These virtues surely required prayer, love and patience not only from Mary, but also from Joseph, the leader of the family. Also, Joseph must have passed on his skills as a carpenter to Jesus as he grew up.
We do not have recorded words in Scripture of what Joseph spoke, but his actions spoke louder than any words. Looking at how Joseph led and cared for Mary, shepherded his family, and obeyed God promptly, we see a godly man whose life was used by God for the awesome purpose of raising the Son of God, during his early earthly years. Fathers today have much to learn from this unique father.
Rev Graham Ng
Bukit Batok Presbyterian Church